Use SiriFacebook for accessing using Siri. You only have to setup a siriproxy first, but there is no jailbreak required.
"Create facebook friend list"
You: "Create facebook friend list lalalal
Siri: You want to crat a facebook friendlist called lalala
If you confirm siri will say: Sending to facebook, and after making the friendlist, siri will say Your friendlist has been made.
"What's my latest wall post"
siri shows you your latest wall post
For Example:
You: What's my latest wall post?
Siri: Your latest wall post is: blablabla
"Check facebook requests"
Siri checs your requests, nothing more to say...
For Example:
You: Check facebook requests
Siri: 'You have no new friend requests' or 'You have new friend requests'
"Make a facebook note"
Siri makes a facebook note for you
For example:
You: make a facebook note blablabla
Siri: What's the subject of your note?
You: lalala
Siri: Here is your note:
then a SiriAddViews appears (The same frame like WoflramAlpha)
With your subject and your text
Siri: Ready to send it?
You: Yes
Siri: Posting to facebok...
If you say no, siri will say: Ok, I won't send it
"Share link on facebook"
Siri shares a link you want on facebook
You: Share link on facebook
Siri: Here is your preview:
then a SiriAddViews appears (The same frame like WoflramAlpha)
With the link you have chosen
Siri: Ready to send it?
You: Yes
Siri: Posting to facebok...
If you say no, siri will say Ok, I won't send it
"My facebook friends"
Siri will show you your facebook friends
You: my facebook friends
Siri will send you a list of your friends using a SiriAddViews (The same frame like WoflramAlpha)
"My facebook likes"
Siri will show you your facebook likes
You: my facebook likes
Siri will send you a list of your likes using a SiriAddViews (The same frame like WoflramAlpha)
"Check facebook notifications"
Siri checks your facebook notifications
You: Check facebook notifications
Siri: Checking facebook notifications...
Siri: 'You have no new notification' or 'You have 1 new notification and what notification it is' or 'You have ... new notifications and what notifications'
Credits: Ross Waycaster (made this command)
"Facebook status"
Siri shares a status you want on facebook
You: Facebook status lalalalal
Siri: Here is your preview:
then a SiriAddViews appears (The same frame like WoflramAlpha)
With your status
Siri: Ready to send it?
You: Yes
Siri: Posting to facebok...
If you say no, siri will say: Ok, I won't send it
Credits: Shabbir (made this command)
"My facebook profile"
Siri will give you, some informations about you
You: My facebook profile
Siri: I found that for you:
then a SiriAddViews appears (The same frame like WoflramAlpha) with your pofilepicture, your name, your gender, your birthday, your facebook link, your facebook ID
"What's my access token"
Siri says your facebook access token
You: What's my access token
Siri: Your Facebook access token is: 'and your acces token'
"About facebook for siri"
Nothing more to say :)
You have any Questions?
Contact me. You'll find the contact details in the "Contact"-section.